Welcome to Dr. Abravanel’s Body Type System, a unique and revolutionary approach to health and weight loss! If you’ve experimented with (and/or crashed and burned) with other diets/eating plans, maybe you’re ready for a program that really gives you what you need!

    Knowing how to eat and exercise for your inborn metabolism makes it possible to reach and sustain your goals. As a former G-type turned post-menopausal T, I found that change a real roller coaster (unstable energy, bad moods, fluctuating weight-gruesome!) and was only able to get off that ride when I found this program.

    Now, after nine years, I enjoy excellent health and optimum weight without really even trying. Managing my health without this program is about as unimaginable to me as waking up in the morning in someone else’s body.

    A professional health counselor for 25 years, I trained in the Body Type System nine years ago and have been working with clients steadily ever since. I am a massage therapist and have advanced training in designing fitness programs as well. Helping my clients realize their goals has been endlessly challenging, rewarding and fascinating! I feel that working with many clients has given me a depth and breadth of knowledge that I am privileged to offer to each new client.

Kate Lynch

New Hartford, CT




by Elliot D. Abravanel, M.D. and Elizabeth King Morrison