Hi! My name is Kevyn. I specialize in Body Type Counseling by phone! It is a wonderful way to work with people all over the country and give them the benefits of this great program. I simply love being a Body Type Counselor. It is very rewarding to be able to give my clients the very specific information they personally need in the areas of nutrition and exercise for their unique Body Type.
I am a Certified Fitness Specialist as well as a Counselor and I also train Body Type Counselors. I worked with the Body Type Institute to create an exercise video called "Exercise Right for Your Body Type.” I am proud to be involved with this wonderful program.
Oh by the way, don't be fooled by my name--I'm a woman!
This is the exercise video I directed for the Body Type Institute. That’s me in the front, with my daughter Maggie on my left with the T on her shirt! You can buy the video if you want--just click here for the Body Type Store.
by Elliot D. Abravanel, M.D. and Elizabeth King Morrison